3 Implementations of a simple JS Calculator

Simple JS Calc 1

The simplest possible implementation I could think of was to include two input fields and the four operands buttons. The result comes up in an alert dialog box. Each input and operand has a function that is triggered in an onclick event. The code is self-contained in one document.

See the Pen Simple JS Calculator 1 by Tanisha Hampden (@tanham2122) on CodePen.

Simple JS Calc 2

The next calculator uses a HTML form and only one JavaScript function. This calculator looks nicer to the user but the code is very ugly as it is also self-contained in one HTML document. This calculator also uses onclick events to fire a function.

See the Pen Simple JS Calculator 2 by Tanisha Hampden (@tanham2122) on CodePen.

Simple JS Calc 3

This is the best and most programmatic version of the calculator I have so far. The code is clean and the interface looks good. (I found a calculator design online and tweaked in to my liking).

I loop through the buttons to add an onclick event for each. Within the loop there is a switch that states the possibly cases and triggers a function based on what cases is being clicked.

There is one bug that I know of so far. Once an equation is calculated, you can continue to add number to the result. I will keep working on this.

See the Pen Simple JS Calculator 3 by Tanisha Hampden (@tanham2122) on CodePen.

Lessons learned:

  1. Consistency - For me, consistency is so important to my continued growth. Even if I code just 30 minutes a everyday, the output and what I learn is so much more significant if I have gaps.

  2. Seeing a project through - This project was something that I started about a month ago but got distracted and stopped working on it. It felt so good to complete this project. Seeing a project through gives you confidence that you know you can do it but more importantly you get a chance to experience all the challenges that come with that project and practice at debugging.

  3. The importance of accountability - One of the main purposes for the Project 52 is to force accountability onto myself. If I had not agreed to this project with my friend Desmond I may have never finished this calculator project. I certainty would not have finished it this week. Now I am ready to move on to the next thing.

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