I began learning to code seriously about 4 months ago. I have come amazingly far from not knowing exactly what computer programming was a year ago to today.

Here is what I would like to work on before 2016 is over

Become a JavaScript Ninja

Right now, I know enough JavaScript to be dangerous. I can write small programs and solve simple algorithms but anything bigger and I am off in Google land trying to figure out what I have gotten myself into. Here are some of the JS projects that I have worked on so far:

I realize that a few months is not enough time to become a JS expert but I plan to deeply study the fundamentals of JavaScript and how it works while writing an absurd amount of code. By the end of the year, I would like to have confidence that I can solve most things with JavaScript.

My plan of attack is simple: write code, read code, read books, and talk JS.


  • Write code - write at least one JS app each week, write JS daily
  • Read code - Periodically read JavaScript code (maybe in a pair or group?)
  • Reading list - Think Like a Programmer, Eloquent JavaScript, You Don’t Know JS, JavaScript: The Good Parts, (I am taking suggestions)
  • Talk JS - Ask questions, pontificate, teach what I know, etc.

Build a Body of Art Work Using Code

I love art. I also love the idea using code to make art. CSS animation, image processing and other generative art fascinates me. I would like to spend time digging deeper into this kind of programming and making some of my own.


  • Create 3-5 pieces of art with code
  • Design and program a computer game

Build an App

I would like to build an app that keeps tracks of several kinds personal data in one place(i.e health metrics, finances, daily log, stress levels, food intake, etc.). On any given day, I would like to be able to analyze any week’s or month’s personal data to find areas of self-improvement.

This is an extension of a self-experiment that I have been working on for some time. When I put all the important metrics in one place, I always find ways I can improve my quality of life so I would like to use software to help.


  • find a community
  • contribute to Open Source
  • feel confident when introducing myself as a web developer